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Unfortunately for CBS, the second

Unfortunately for CBS, the second edition of Survivor cannot be as successful as the first one was…and I’m not even factoring in the dreaded sophomore slump. While the filming of the first Survivor was relatively media free because it wasn’t a huge deal when they shot it, the filming of the second Survivor will be highly scrutinized by the media and by other folks trying to get the scoop on who will win. The winner’s identity will no doubt be revealed well in advance of the final show’s airing, and without that mystery & suspense, the show is just not (as) compelling.

Note: Thus ends the first and last mention of Survivor on this otherwise fine Web site. My apologies, it won’t happen again.

Speaking of trying to get two tricks out of a one-trick pony, can I get a show of hands for who wants to see Blair Witch 2? No one? That’s what I thought. Maybe it’ll be good, who knows.

Oh, did I say two tricks? I meant three tricks.

Note: Thus ends the first and last mention of Blair Witch 2 on this otherwise fine Web site. My apologies, it won’t happen again.