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Brandweek presents Superbrands: America’s Top

Brandweek presents Superbrands: America’s Top Brands. McDonald’s tops the list (as one might expect), but the list gets a little confusing after that. The rest of the top 5 are:

2. Circuit City
3. Burger King
4. Valassis Coupons
5. News America FSI

When I think of top brands, none of these spring to mind. What of Coca-Cola (#22), Disney (#131), Volkswagen (#30), and Microsoft (#613)? Of course, it would help to know what the criteria are and what those impressively detailed numbers mean, but those tidbits are apparently reserved for paying users of the Brandweek site.

Also from Brandweek comes a list of the best TV commercials of the 1990s. Nike, VW, Levi’s, Budweiser, and Little Caeser’s rate highly overall, with several entries apiece. I don’t agree with many of the choices (particularly the Budweiser ones), but there’s some good stuff in there.