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Flash game: Splitter

Wednesday noontime timewasting game: Splitter. Reminiscent of Crayon Physics and Fantastic Contraption, but you should be able to finish it by the time your lunch break is over.

Whiteboard Tower Defense

Fans of Desktop Tower Defense, if you’re tired of the same old boards and enemies, check out Whiteboard Tower Defense. Can you feel that? The afternoon slipping away? (via buzzfeed)

Chronotron Flash game

I know it’s only Wednesday, but I’m going to lay ruin to your productivity for the rest of the week with this little number: Chronotron. It’s a Flash game where you and your past selves work together to complete puzzles. Just like in The Five Doctors. (Sort of.)

Fantastic Contraption, addictive Flash game

Warning, addictive Flash game: Fantastic Contraption. You build a little machine to push, pull, drag, or fling a special wheel into the goal. The best part is that when you complete a level, you can see how other players completed it (and how unimaginative you are). Really, really fascinating. For a level requiring some stair climbing, one fellow built a Theo Jansen-like beast that walked right up those stairs. For another level, another person built a catapult. (via buzzfeed)

You vs. Usain Bolt

Race Usain Bolt in this button mashing Flash game. I was a fair Track & Fielder back in the day so I beat Bolt on my first attempt. [Insert elaborate archery pose emoticon here.] (thx, scott)

Hedgehog launch

Addictive Flash game of the week: Hedgehog Launch. There’s something really clever about the game play here but can’t quite put my finger on what it is. The objective of the game โ€” to launch the ‘hog into space โ€” is so beside the point the first time around that you forget all about it until it actually happens. My best time was 7 days. (via cyn-c)

Update: Woo, 5 days! My technique: upgrade to a parachute as quick as you can, use it to float for valuable multiplier, then get rockets and band/launcher.

Update: Got it down to 4 days. 3 days is possible but I’m retiring.