
Quick Links for November 2022

That 90's Show. Those crazy bastards really went and did it.
"i trained an ai chatbot on my childhood journal entries - so that i could engage in real-time dialogue with my 'inner child'"
Monorail! / What's it called? / Monorail! / Once again / Monorail! / But Main Street's still all cracked and broken / Sorry Mom, the mob has spoken
The FDA has approved the sale of lab-grown meat in the US. "The process had a futuristic vibe but by the end of the tour, it felt somehow ordinary to me - like a kind of hydroponic gardening."
A reminder: The Kid Should See This Gift Guide is top-notch.
The Qatar World Cup and the hypocritical West. "Qatar is not a pariah state – it exists in a global political system of western sponsors that have forged deep alliances with Gulf monarchies and extended them immunity."
I read 23 books (and counting) on my sabbatical. As a preview of my next media diet post, here's a roughly chronological list of everything I've read over the past 3+ years.
RIP Fred Brooks, author of the seminal The Mythical Man-Month.
John Oliver on the 2022 World Cup in Qatar: "I won't say that Qatar definitely got the World Cup through bribery, but I won't say that they didn't and I will say that they did."
There are now 8 billion people in the world.
As EVs gain wider adoption in the US, lack of infrastructure and other challenges remain. "Range anxiety is real. If you are trying to get stuff done, and you have kids in the back, the last thing you need is, 'Is my car going to get there?'"
September 2022 Archives »