October 31
October 30
NASA's Kepler space telescope has run out of fuel, ending its mission. Over the past decade, Kepler has discovered more than 2600 exoplanets.
The Fridge Detectives look at photos of the insides of people fridges and try to guess who they are.
Two frequent @kottke contributors are publishing a children's book called The Salty Avocado "about a truly rotten fruit who finds redemption in the healing power of raspberry hugs". Pre-order on Kickstarter!
October 29
100 Websites That Shaped the Internet as We Know It. Hmm. Hmmmmmmmmm. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!
New podcast from Anil Dash called Function about "how technology is shaping culture & communications". First episode is on Fortnite's uncredited use of dance moves.
October 26
October 25
October 24
October 23
Yet another way libraries are cool. If you'd rather interact with librarians digitally, @BKLYNlibrary will give cardholders curated recs via the internet
October 22
October 19
Imani Perry's biography of Lorraine Hansberry sounds amazing. After she popped up for a second in the James Baldwin doc I Am Not Your Negro, I thought, "I need to know more about her."
October 18
In 2005, climate scientist James Annan bet $10,000 against the claim by two Russian climate change deniers that the Earth was cooling. He won handily...but the Russians won't pay up.
Several recent studies show a "hyperalarming" decline in insect populations. In same cases, the decline was accompanied by a similar decline in animals who eat the insects.
The Sordid Truth behind Degas's Ballet Dancers. "Sex work was a part of a ballerina's reality, and the city's grand opera house, the Palais Garnier, was designed with this in mind."
Tortoise is an interesting new venture by some journalism heavy hitters. "We don't do breaking news, but what's driving the news. Not the news as it happens, but when it's ready."
A short history of by-the-slice pizza in NYC. "It's a safe bet that the custom of making pizzas specifically to sell by the slice began in the 1940s."
A pair of studies shows a correlation between state-wide marijuana legalization and highway crashes. "There has been an increase by up to 6 percent in the number of highway crashes..."
Due to record summer heat and strong fall typhoons, some Japanese cherry trees are blossoming out of season. Global weirding, yo.
October 17
A "Lost" Hour-Long Empire Strikes Back Documentary Surfaces Online
October 16
Jon Hamm Enters The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest. Oof. So unfunny it was hard to watch.
A list of the most influential female designers of the last century. A good starting point, at least.
October 15
A tiny phone for those who are concerned their giant phone makes their trendy small sunglasses look too small. Zoolander approved!
New Social Media Guidelines. "All Twitter users must now check a box indicating whether they're a white supremacist or a comedian."
October 12
"The average person 'consumes about 34 gigabytes across varied devices each day' — some 100,000 words' worth of information." What does that do to our brains? How does it change how we read, or how we think?
The CDC runs a program called VFC that provides free vaccinations to children who cannot afford them. Doctors & clinics, sign up to be a VFC provider!
October 11
DO NOT WANT: Walmart Patented a Cart That Reads Your Pulse and Temperature. They might use it when a customer's vital signs indicate they need assistance.
Schedule "Untouchable Days" each week for max creativity or productivity. I do this (in a less structured way) and get cranky if my Days get messed with.
Why The Fuck Isn't Kobe Bryant A Pariah Yet? "...he is also an accused rapist who avoided a criminal trial verdict by bullying his accuser into silence"
Your IQ Matters Less Than You Think. "In studies of children and historical figures, IQ falls short as a measure of success."
October 10
"A Geyser Erupted in Yellowstone and 80 Years of Human Trash Poured Out". Hey dipshits, don't litter in National Parks (or anywhere else).
October 9
October 8
October 5
This digital strategy document by the leadership at the Library of Congress is genuinely inspiring. Yes, throw open the treasure chest! Let's liberate the vaults! I am HERE for it.
Knowing me (this is @tcarmody), you might think I'd have read James Gleick's book on time travel when it came out two years ago. But no! I just read it now, and it's terrifically brainy and entertaining:
October 4
Bloomberg report says Chinese intelligence put tiny chips in US-bound electronics, including those at Apple & Amazon, to gain access to corporate & government networks. Apple & Amazon deny the report.
October 3
Rion Nakaya's The Kid Should See This is a true web treasure. She's going full-time on it (yay!)... join me in supporting the site here.
"Sunshine sells but I never wanted a sky that was only one color." I'm gonna need some help seeing winter as a positive part of my life this year.
October 2
Out today: It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work. The authors preach building a "calm company" over 80-hour work weeks and constant email emergencies.
In 1974, Egypt issued a passport to the mummified remains of Ramesses II (died 1213 BCE) for its voyage to France because French law required it. His occupation was listed as "King (deceased)".
A Norwegian construction company is building the world's tallest wood building (18 stories). Apparently, the glued laminated timber they're using "retains its load-bearing ability in the event of a burnout fire".
Kathryn Mayorga says soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo raped her in 2009. Signed documents show he paid her $375,000 to keep the incident quiet.
October 1
What if Sherlock Holmes but too much? Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly star as Holmes and Watson in what I'm guessing will be a mostly forgettable comedy.
An analysis of Brett Kavanaugh's testimony last week from a woman who studied body language for her master's thesis. "I believe that Kavanaugh knows he attacked Ford and he's lying about it now."
Netflix Is Planning a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure 'Black Mirror'. Hmm, it seems like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure TV show would be ripe for skewering by the show, not implemented for the show...
How to Talk to the Women in Your Life Right Now. "Listening is step one of allyship. Listening means not interrupting."
Brett Kavanaugh and the blackout drunkenness theory. "When men are in a blackout, they do things to the world. When women are in a blackout, things are done to them."
"I want to show you, clearly and definitively, how Brett Kavanaugh has lied to you and lied to the Senate." If only the facts mattered in these proceedings...