May 31
May 30
Business or Pleasure? A new comic by Chris Ware for the New Yorker. (I've definitely taken trips like this.)
May 26
A moving story of a man who chose when to die. "This was an Irish wake, without grief's frantic edge."
May 25
May 24
No, Soylent isn't Healthy. Here's Why.
May 23
The Killers' Mr. Brightside has appeared on the UK Top 100 singles chart every year since 2004. Why?
May 22
May 19
Shia LaBeouf as John McEnroe in an upcoming film about the Borg/McEnroe Wimbledon final in 1980? Ok.
I love this story. I worked with Nick long ago & he's exactly as described in the article. V happy for them!
May 18
May 17
May 16
It's not just the bees that are dying. Where have all the insects gone?
May 15
Quiz: Can You Tell What Makes a Good Tweet? (Wooo! 21/25!)
May 14
May 13
May 12
May 11
RIP Robert Miles. Dreamland was a favorite album in the late 90s.
In 2014, an all-girls team joined a U14 boys soccer league in Spain. This year, they won the league.
May 10
Dreaming the Beatles is getting lots of good reviews; "the best book about the Beatles ever written"
May 9
May 8
May 5
May 4
May 3
Take Esquire's music IQ quiz. (I somehow got 245/250. What the hell do album covers even look like anymore?!)
May 2
May 1