January 31
January 30
January 29
January 27
January 25
January 24
January 23
The Silicon Valley elite get a lot of shit these days...but maybe we should be giving them way more?
Reckoning with the post-antibiotic era. "We will miss antibiotics when they're gone."
Why is drug-resistant tuberculosis on the rise? Because it's spreading through the air. (This is bad news.)
January 22
January 21
January 20
January 19
In Iceland, teenage smoking, drinking and drug use have been radically cut in the past 20 years. Here's how.
January 18
NASA & NOAA: 2016 was the hottest year on record. Previous record was 2015. Before that, 2014.
January 17
January 16
The site is off today in remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr. Take some time to watch his I Have A Dream speech.
January 14
January 13
App[dot]net is shutting down. The Twitter killer that wasn't.
Come for the lost footage of Marilyn Monroe, stay for the interesting story of the man who filmed it
January 12
I hated hated *hated* the term "Obamacare". I always tried to use "Affordable Care Act" instead. Words matter.
Get Health Insurance Through Your Employer? ACA Repeal Will Affect You, Too
January 11
January 10
January 9
I'd thought Hidden Figures was going to flop, but v pleasantly surprised to be wrong. Gonna try to see this week.
January 6
William Steig, author of Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, wrote Shrek? How did I not know this?
January 5
The Calm Company. "Work claws away at life. Life has become work's leftovers. The doggy bag."
Are the KLF back after a 23-year absence? (I would settle for their back catalog on Spotify.)
January 4
January 3