Note: This is an archive of a thread about the Matrix Reloaded (originally located here). It contains hundreds (931 to be exact) of posts about what people thought of the movie, what people thought the movie was about, and ultimately, who the participants are themselves. I closed and archived the thread for reasons discussed here, but I opened another thread so that the discussion could continue. -jason
The Matrix Reloaded
posted May 15, 2003 at 10:10 am ET
[No real spoilers] After reading this breathless article about the Matrix Reloaded in Wired last month, I was very much looking forward to the movie and in particular, the special effects. In the end, I think the Wachowski brothers failed in what they were trying to do with the movie, which is disappointing. The completely computer-generated effects (e.g. in the Neo vs. 100 Agent Smiths fight) looked, well, completely computer-generated. The fish in the Finding Nemo preview looked more fish-like than the humans in the Matrix Reloaded looked human-like. The technology they used was 1.0 (or maybe even still in beta) and it showed...give it a few years and then we'll have something.
The other disappointing thing was the tone of the movie. The Matrix Reloaded would have worked a lot better as an action movie that took itself a little bit seriously (taking a page from the fun X2 flick) instead of a drama interspersed with action. The movie was too weighty and took itself too seriously. I don't mind weighty movies, but the subject matter just didn't warrant all the seriousness. Neo is Jesus. We get it, but it's not compelling enough to build a whole movie around.
What did you think? Post your reviews (or a link to your review) in the comments. [Warning, potential spoilers in comments]
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The discussion continues here.
It's not yet released in India and won't be for a while, but I have braced myself for a lot of dissappointment. Most of the appeal of the first movie wasn't in the fx, and I am rightfully apprehensive that the rest of the movie is bound to go downhill when so much effort is spent on the fx.