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The Noughtie List highlights, pt 2

Hi there again, it’s Jenni. You may have noticed some slight changes to the list. We’ve made it easier to tell whether something has been recently added to the list; there is a red asterisk next to links less than three days old. Also, if you are curious, there is a counter that says how many links are listed. Nice.

Last week I highlighted defining the decade. This week I’m going to jump around the list a bit and highlight some of the cool finds that have come in through the inbox and my research.

One of the things to have come out of this decade is great TV shows. The quality of these shows were often better than movies. This decade is when TV became art.

But as this decade began, it had already begun to dawn on viewers that television was something that you could not just merely enjoy and then discard but brood over and analyze, that could challenge and elevate, not just entertain.

It feels like there was more music than ever produced and which albums, groups, and songs made the biggest impact is hard to choose. The lists vary dramatically about the number one album of the decade. Simon Reynolds dissects this musically fragmented decade.

More and more good-to-excellent music is getting produced but that very fact is thwarting the emergence of the great, smothering it. The bigger the spread, the more “we” are spread. And the less impact any given record can have.

I was told by readers (thanks Matt & Eric) that Greg Wyshynski aka Puck Daddy has a great collection of hockey Top 10, including the 10 best hockey games. But my favorite is the 10 best hockey fights, which includes video. Enjoy.