Please stop
I know everyone’s upset about her new book. I’m not going to use her name, but you know who I’m talking about; she’s blonde, leggy, confident, radically conservative, radically full of shit, and you hate her with the fire of a million suns. But she’s also a huge troll. Wikipedia defines a troll as:
…someone who comes into an established community such as an online discussion forum, and posts inflammatory, rude or offensive messages designed intentionally to annoy and antagonize the existing members or disrupt the flow of discussion.
And the best strategy against trolls? Ignore them. If I see one more blog post, newspaper column, or debate on TV attempting to refute this woman’s claims, I’m going to scream. Claims? What claims? She wrote that book to piss you off and get you to respond, thereby legitimizing her ramblings. That smile of hers? That’s her celebrating a victory that you handed her without any effort. YOU’RE SMARTER THAN THAT…KNOCK IT OFF!
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