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An open letter to Flip Saunders

Dear Flip Saunders,

First, congratulations on your Minnesota Timberwolves capturing the #1 seed for the playoffs in the Western Conference. I have been a fan for many years, and for the first time, I feel good about the team you have assembled and have high hopes for this postseason.

But we need to talk about Wally Szczerbiak. You’ve got to get rid of him. Can’t you see that when he’s in the game, he makes the whole team worse? No one wants to pass to him because he’s a black hole; the ball goes in and never comes back out. It disrupts the whole offense. All he wants to do is shoot, shoot, shoot. He’s a good individual talent, but doesn’t play within the offense at all. Please trade him and get someone who’s less selfish and can play some defense.

