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My friends Zach and Youngna are in

My friends Zach and Youngna are in the NY Times this morning in an article about how difficult it is for “senior beauty analysts” and “vice presidents for global marketing” to produce and market products to twentysomethings who wouldn’t even trust a “senior beauty analyst” to watch their bag while they went for a pee. The Times also had to draw a distinction between Mr. Klein, Calvin and Mr. Klein, Zach: “no relation”.

Youngna Park has a short wrap-up of

Youngna Park has a short wrap-up of going to see Annie Leibovitz speak about her new book, A Photographer’s Life: 1990-2005. “And, so it goes, said Leibovitz, that some of us use words in order to take good pictures, and some of us take pictures, in order that we can be heard.”