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The WSJ hosts a DRM debate between

The WSJ hosts a DRM debate between Fritz Attaway of the MPAA and Wendy Seltzer of the EFF. “Digital rights management is the key to consumer choice.” Zur? Are those irritating anti-theft packaging stickers on DVDs the key to consumer choice as well?

It’s so easy for people to get

It’s so easy for people to get all ranty and unbalanced about the MPAA, movie piracy, and copyright issues…Derek has a refreshingly clear and steady take on the issues involved and how the industry middlemen are making things hard for everyone but themselves.

Another in Edward Jay Epstein’s series on

Another in Edward Jay Epstein’s series on the business of Hollywood. This one’s about the secret industry reports done by the MPAA that reveal hard-to-come-by statistics about how much Hollywood is making from which businesses.