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A map of the best dumplings in NYC

Dumpling Map

The Infatuation has an interactive map of the best places to get soup dumplings, fried dumplings, wontons, and all that good stuff in NYC, plus ordering recommendations for each place.

You could easily quibble with the list itself โ€” the numbers 1-17 aren’t supposed to be rankings per se, but it starts with lower Manhattan, then gets to Flushing and Sunset Park, and that’s it. Still, the nice thing about a map interface is that you don’t need to worry about who’s number 1 and who’s number 10 quite so much when you’re just trying to find a place in a nearby neighborhood that can deliver the goods. (God, I miss New York.)

Update: I mistook the numbers in the map’s list view for rankings and was all grumpy about all the Chinatown places being ahead of the Queens ones. As it turns out, some of the places have number ratings, some don’t, and the list is more a geographic sequence than anything else.

Frostbite in the frozen tundra

I got my first ever case of frostbite this morning, and let me tell you…it’s not a lot of fun. It happened when I was out in the frozen tundra this morning putting anti-freeze in Nichol’s car. In my rush to get the both of us to work in a timely fashion, I didn’t put on my gloves - even though it was about minus 10 degrees F this morning - and my thumb got all numb…and not in a good way either. It’s just now thawing out, four hours later…most of the feeling is back, and it hasn’t turned any funny colors.

Which is good.