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Play DOS games on your Mac

Yo dawg I heard you like to play DOS games on your Mac so, uh, here’s some software to do that.

Boxer plays MS-DOS games on your Mac. It’s based on the robust DOSBox emulator, with a lot of magic sprinkled on top. Run DOS programs from Finder. Wrap your games into tidy gameboxes that launch like Mac apps. Painlessly install games from CD-then bundle the CD with your game so you don’t even need it in the drive.

Dune 2, here I come! (via ★robinsloan)

Not sure if this is the actual

Not sure if this is the actual code or not, but the source code for MS-DOS 6.0 appears to be available on Google Code Search (by way of a search for “microsoft confidential”). More Google Code Search goodies here. (thx, aj)