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Danny MacAskill Goes Mountain Biking With Friends in Scotland

Danny MacAskill is known ‘round these parts for his jaw-dropping trials riding (I first posted about him 15 years ago) but this ride is a little bit different. MacAskill and four friends take to the local mountain bike trails around Inverness, Scotland on ebikes and have a grand old time. For me, listening to the banter was just as entertaining as watching the riding โ€” it’s obvious they’re just out there having a blast.

P.S. I was also trying to calculate how fast I would die if I tried riding some of that stuff and the answer is “almost immediately”. Yiiiikes.

Discussion  2 comments

Sterling Anderson

I came here when I saw Inverness. I love that town. I'd leave everything in Wisconsin behind if I could find a way to move to that part of Scotland. Bikes are cool too I guess.

Aaron CohenMOD

Kind of early in the day for extreme sports posting imo.

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